14 Окт Rendez-vous en France, Skills & Friends for life
Понеделник 28 октомври 2024, 11 ч. I НУБ „Св. Климент Охридски“ – Скопје
Саемот претставува неизоставен настан за средба на македонските средношколци, студенти, универзитетски професори, кои сакаат да го продолжат своето високо образование во Франција, или пак да остварат универзитетска соработка.

Овој саем е настан од огромно значење за македонските средношколци и студенти, особено оние кои го завршиле своето образование во билингвалните франкофонски паралелки и сакаат да продолжат со високо образование во Франција.
Ова е одлична можност да ги добијат потребните информации за студиските програми директно од претставниците на француските универзитети присутни на саемот, како и дополнителни информации за сите аспекти на студентскиот живот во Франција.
Саемот на студии во Франција ќе се одржи во Националната и универзитетска библиотека „Свети Климент Охридски”.
Ве очекуваме!
Инженерска школа Centrale Lyon –
Centrale Lyon ENISE is a specialized engineering school in Mechanical engineering, Civil engineering and Sensory engineering. Our training programmes – Engineering and Master degree – are based on our cutting edge research in our 3 majors :
– Additive manufacturing, machining and superfinishing
– Numerical simulation of manufacturing processes
– Composite materials for rehabilitation
– Phase-change materials and fiber reinforced concrete
– Biomaterials, diagnosis of the integrity of living tissues and aging
– Virtual reality and perception engineering
Инженерска школа Centrale Nantes
Interested in studying engineering in France in a multicultural and international set up ? Come and meet Centrale Nantes during the Balkans Tour to learn about our programmes ranging from Bachelor’s to PhD level. As a French “Grande Ecole”, Centrale Nantes provides world-class education in English in a variety of fields : mechanical engineering, control and robotics, industrial engineering, civil engineering and marine technology.
Институт за применети науки INSA
INSA-Rouen Normandy recruits outstanding candidates for its 5-year single-tier master’s degree programme at different levels: directly from secondary school or after 4 years of higher education. After 3 semesters of a core curriculum followed in the classical or the Bilingual International Section, students begin to specialize, choosing electives corresponding to 2 departments they consider joining. They make their final choice of specialization at the end of the 4th semester.
Универзитетот во Поатје
The university of Poitiers is a multidisciplinary university committed to the success of each of its students. It is known for its high-level, innovative research structured according to an interdisciplinary strategy. Though all its actions, it promotes inclusion, diversity, sustainability and openess to the world. Located in human-sized cities, its four dynamic campuses give access to many services for its students, but also to numerous physical and cultural activities.
Универзитетот во Лимож
In the heart of France, TACTIC Graduate School benefits from a unique research-based training ecosystem in Europe in the fields of advanced ceramics and Information and Communication Technologies. Our goal: train students to be able to contribute to the development of materials and ICT in areas with high industrial and societal potential
Универзитетот во Каен, Нормандија
Strong of nearly 600 years of experience in academic training and research, the University of Caen Normandie has grown to become the largest University center in Normandy, providing comprehensive and affordable education to over 32,000 students. Resolutely open to the world, with more than 340 partners worldwide, UNICAEN is also recognized for the quality of its support to the 2,900 international students who trust us every year for their education and research projetcs. Join us to open up a world of opportunities and successes.
Универзитет Клод Бернар Лион 1
A university specialising in science, technology, health and sport, LYON 1 provides its students with high qualitiy education centred on its research excellence. Interdisciplinary and focused on the major challenges facing society today, the research activity at LYON 1 drinves scientific progress locally and internationally.
Sciences Po –Универзитет за политички науки
Sciences Po is an international university open onto the world, ranking among the finest institutions in the fields of humanities and social sciences. Undergraduate programmes host a dynamic and richly diverse community of students: 6,140 students at a Bachelor’s level, 50% international students, from 150 nationalities, 7 campuses across France, 10 international dual Bachelor’s degrees and 6 in France, 3 multidisciplinary majors, 25 languages taught. Sciences Po offers 30 two-year Master’s degree programmes in public policy, international affairs, political science, law, economics, management, finance, strategy, marketing and communictions, urban affairs, journalism.
Високи школи за менаџмент/дизајн/туризам
1. Y Schools
Choosing Y SCHOOLS in Troyes (a city located less than 90 minutes from Paris) means giving yourself the opportunity to join 3 schools: management, design and tourism! Many programs (taught in French and English) are accessible at bac+3, bac+4 and bac+5 levels.
2. ISC Paris
ISC Paris, a leading Parisian business school founded in 1963, is a state-approved private institution of higher education. ISC Paris awards diplomas recognized by the French Ministry of Higher Education and Research, conferring Master’s and Bachelor’s degrees.